Saturday, March 1, 2008

Question for Discussion

How do you stop the cycle of abuse and make different choices?

One fear that I have is that having been raised in a cycle of abuse, where my mother has been raised in that cycle, adn my father has been rasied in that cycle, how do i ensure for my future family to break that cycle? how can you tell wether a man would be abusive or not? are there warning signs? if so what are they?

***questions open to discussion ***


Lara said...

I have to say first Kayla that you have the gospel. Stay close to the Lord and listen to His answers. He loves you more than you know and will not lead you astray. I know He will answer your prayers. And second, do NOT be afraid of counseling. It is a great thing and will help you be the best mom you can be. You are not alone so hang in there. Anytime you need to talk feel free to call. Love ya!

K.H. said...

thanks! actually, about counseling. i had an appointment on wednesday with a psychiatrist. she said i was defiantley depressed, and she thinks i may also have ADD. SHe doesn't know for sure, so i am going ot meet with a nurse practitioner guy who is really good at diagnosing ADD, adn can also prescribe me medacin for the deression. hopefully, i will become more efficient with counseling and meadacation. :)

Lara said...

I am so glad! Remember the counseling though. It may take a long time to get the right meds for your depression. I think counseling will help you out as much if not more than the medication. Hang in there!

Stephanie J said...


I hope you don't mind my "intrusion" on your blog. We haven't spoken for a few years, and I'm afraid that's because you're mad at me (but I really have no idea why). Anyway, all I've ever wanted was to be a good friend to you.

I've been through a healing journey since we last saw each other, and I've learned a lot both about myself and about other people. I think the most important part of breaking an abuse cycle would be building confidence and building up your "self". I'm not a doctor, nor do I pretend to be one, so I will not prescribe any certain path for you to follow. I only know that we are like God, and that second to him, we need to turn to ourselves for healing. God can only heal what we can let go of (something that was a hard lesson for me). I can tell you what's worked in my experience, but I will no longer tread upon your space without your blessing. If you'd like to chat or to talk, please contact me. My phone number is still the same, though I've gotten married and moved. Love ya, Kayla. You're a great person!